Thursday 20 October 2011

The devil is in the details...

A while ago when browsing through a duty free shop I witnessed a memorable scene. In front of me was a priest, dressed in the obvious black suit with the white little thingy instead of a tie...he looked through the men's perfume range and: decided on a bottle of Calvin Klein's "Obsession"...what an interesting choice that was!


  1. strange enough that a man of faith makes use of such "wordly" products... but the brand x) nice one!

    the rugby match england-france was more than ugly... nothing compared to australia - new zealand... i bet the finals will show the destruction of france ;) but i´ll watch anyway... for me it´s definetely more fun than soccer

  2. Das ist wirklich eine supertolle Idee, einen Post über London als Gastblogger zu verfassen. Endgültig entscheiden werde ich mich spätestens bis Dienstag und euch dann Bescheid geben, aber wie gesagt, bin schonmal super begeistert :) Danke fürs mitmachen!
