Sunday 6 July 2014


author: Ruedi Häusermann
theatre/ensemble: Kapelle Eidgenössisch Moos

seen on 22th June in Wiesbaden during the  New Plays From Europe Festival

plot: Ruedi Häusermann (musician/director), Herwig Ursin (musician/actor) and Jan Ratschko (musician/actor) dedicate this performance to their secret passion, the Swiss folk-dance Ländler. Eidgenössisch Moos is a Ländler band, but not one of the conventional kind. In the spirit of experimentation, they open our minds to peripheral matters, interference and friction, creating space for the wayward and rattling local traditions. “Our theatre work can be seen as an attempt to recapture. Not by accusing a way of thinking that is alien to us, but by making it clear that an ‘ideal world’ means something quite different to us. We want to show these ‘sole tenants of all things Swiss’ that they don’t own this music. It’s a cultural asset – a magnificent cultural asset!”

verdict: It was a nice show - but not a play. Quirky and creative ideas like drawing a mountain scene live on the overhead projector or inventing new musical instruments are wonderful and together with the beautiful singing and traditional Swiss folk music it alltogether created a humorous and atmospheric evening. It is misleading though to look for a play, a plot, in this. There is the vague story of a cancelled gig but you can ignore this. A very different evening which I enjoyed (and even understood the Schwyzerdütsch!) but it might not have been the best choice for this festival.

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